Bistrita, Romania

After Bucharest I took a 9 hr overnight train ride up to the small town of Bistrita in The Transylvania region of Romania. On this first night the bubbles went up on a residential building in downtown. The cops eventually showed up and shut down the operation. There was some haggling, but the police didn’t know what to make of the projections, so they told us to shut down. This was the first time the police had shut me down. The police usually ask “how does that work?” Say “cool” and move on.

By the way, the Romanians I mixed with had excellent English. Uh, read below…

TXT Supper

TXT Supper

TXT Supper

TXT Supper

TXT Supper

TXT Supper

TXT Supper

TXT Supper

TXT Supper

TXT Supper

TXT Supper

TXT Supper

TXT Supper

TXT Supper

TXT Supper

TXT Supper

TXT Supper

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